Sunday, May 2, 2010

Blooming Bachelors

Today I am very excited. Over night, two of my Bachelor Buttons decided to finally bloom and show off their glory! I can not get over how beautiful they are!!! One blue, and one pink.

Aren't they gorgeous?! I know I got a bit carried away taking pictures, but I really could not help myself. :)

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

End of the Tunnel...and crocheted bits.

I wish I could set aside a spot on this blog to say something about how my school year, or rather how the semester went. Unfortunately, I cannot. The reason for my secrecy is because I am going to start methods in the fall, and one of the key rules to starting methods is to 'not post anything onto the internet.'
Of course, my posting this blog, or any blog, for that matter is theoretically 'breaking' that rule, I however do not believe that posting things about plants and crocheting on the internet will make any eyebrows raise.
I believe I can safely say that my 2010 spring semester at the University is almost over. I have about 2 weeks left, finals to study for, and ending projects to turn in. I can see the light at the end of my tunnel right now, a faint, dim light, but I still see it.
Maybe, in a couple of years, if I don't forget, I will post what happened in my college days... or maybe I will just keep it a well kept secret. I don't know. I guess we will see.


For a few weeks now I have been helping a friend of mine learn to crochet, which has inspired me to pick it back up again. I have always loved to crochet, but I crochet in spurts... For example: One month I crochet non-stop, while the next month I don't even pick up a granny square.
I ended up today making my first amigurumi in a very long time. I used to make these guys all the time, but put them down as they hurt my fingers because of tight tension. Today I picked it back up and made this cookie.

There is a funny story to this:

I take a class at the University called TTE300. For our midterm a few weeks ago, we were to anonymously write our professor and say what we liked about the class, what we didn't like, what worked, what didn't work, etc...
Well, for a while, our professor was using very... VERY boring PowerPoint slides. They were the ultimate snooze fest. So, when asked to say what was not working for the class, I sorta made the comment that cookies made with love from subway were a lot better than his PowerPoints...
He knew it was me automatically because I am the only person in class who has ever used the term 'cookies made with love' and he also knew I was addicted to subway. Lets just say he never let me live it down.
So today I presented him with this little guy, and told him; "Now we are even"
All I got out of him was "Touchè, Cindy, Touchè"

I have to say.... I am a bit disappointed... I was expecting a bit more of a wittier remark than just "Touchè"... but I guess I will take my winnings.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Spring is in bloom!

I have been having a horrible past couple of weeks. I don't have time for anything, and my apartment looks a mess.
About a month and a half ago, I started working for McDonalds, not the best job in the world, but it pays the bills. When I am not working at McDonalds, I am at school, and when I am not at school, I am at my observation site. My life turned very chaotic very fast.
Yesterday was the worst. I worked a seven and a half hour shift, came home to a load of homework, and group projects (not to mention a very messy apartment), and my computer decided to completely die. She just froze up... I wanted to cry.
I ended up calling home, and then driving home (about 1 hour and 20 minutes away from my apartment) to have my Dad fix the problem.
While packing for home, however, I noticed this out on my balcony:

My allysum finally bloomed! I stopped everything and immediately took pictures. Suddenly, for 5 minutes, my computer, my homework, my work, everything... didn't matter. They were so pretty. To top off my excitement, I also noticed that my bachelor buttons are also going to start blooming soon! About four or five of my plants look like this:

I am anticipating the day when I step out onto my balcony and see it in full bloom... you can bet your socks I will be taking pictures when that day comes.

All in all, even though I had a very bad day, things not going right, and work not getting done, I was still able to see and appreciate God's little wonders. So despite all... I am happy.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

A Sprout's Beginning, and Fun Fun Fun at the Zoo!!!

Two important things happened today.
First, one of my bulbs (Dahlia) has finally started to sprout (17 days after planting), and second, I got to go to the Zoo!

See, there is the little sprout sticking up through the dirt. I can't wait until She starts to bloom. I love my plants!


As mentioned above, I went to the Zoo today. To be more specific, I went to the Reid Park Zoo in Tucson. My Mom and her girl scouts were going, and so I tagged along for the fun of it.

I was very surprised at how crowded it was today! It seemed as if everyone in Tucson was there... well, everyone who had kids that is.
Anyways, I did take a few pictures, and yes, I know they are blue, they were taken with my camera phone, as I forgot to take my real camera with me.

For more images, then you can look at my Flickr page. :)

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Balcony Retreat

Sitting outside with my plants on the tiny balcony I have is nearly impossible for me. It is small, and almost no space to put anything on it. It is also very hot on my balcony. When I go out there, I want to be able to bring my laptop out with me so I can get some homework done, or surf the web. Unfortunately, with the Arizona sun being so hot, my computer overheats very easily.

What to do?

Here is my solution! I got out my mushroom camping chair, put it at a corner, and then stuck an umbrella up behind it to give me adequate amount of shade.

You want to guess where I am blogging right now? Yup... thats right... my balcony. Thanks to the umbrella, my computer is shaded enough so it doesn't overheat. :)

Now all I need is for my plants to start blooming... then it is going to be complete.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Spring Planting

Every year around June and July I always see such beautiful gardens on display in magazines, in blogs, and in random pictures around town. I alway think of how wonderful it would be to have a garden of my own. Unfortunately for me, when I see those things and am inspired to start one, it is too late in the year.
This year I decided to fix that problem, and so in February I bought myself some seeds at Wal-mart, and a Greenhouse.

This particular green house only cost me about 6 dollars, and it comes with 75 little plots for plants.
I ended up buying four types of seeds for it, Alyssum, Assorted bachelor buttons, Blue bachelor Buttons, and Forget Me Nots.

4 Days after Planting:

My Plants are starting to Sprout! This is very exciting!
I am still keeping the lid on my greenhouse, but as you can see, their little sprouts are starting to poke up out of the dirt!

My Allysum still have not sprouted, these are just the Benjamin Buttons sprouting up.

2 Weeks and 4 Days

I am in love with how my plants are looking right now! Unfortunately, some of them started to lean and almost lay flat against the dirt. To remedy that, I stuck toothpicks and used sewing thread to put them in an upright manner. Hopefully this will work out.

All the plants seem to be doing well, except for the Alyssum, a couple have already died on me. Hopefully I can get a couple of them to grow well though.